On Experiencing IBD as a Woman
The onus should not be on patients, many of whom are less privileged than me, to convince health care providers to take their pain seriously.
On Experiencing IBD as a Woman

Senator Lisa Murkowski’s reintroduction of the Safe Step Act has revived the debate over the prudence of step therapy protocols.
Concentrated corporate power currently impedes affordable provision of health care across the state of Massachusetts.
Are manufacturing method patents warranted intellectual property protections, or groundless obstacles to competition?
In this post, I explore several problematic aspects of the court’s reasoning for rejecting the claims of pay-for-delay and market allocation.
In November 2020, the FDA released its most recent draft guidance for industry on biosimilarity and interchangeability
Color graphic warnings are set to appear on cigarette packages in June 2021 as FDA’s latest effort to make a dent in the intractable tobacco problem.
Reducing dependency on any single nation must be a federal priority, but it can be accomplished only with industry stakeholder buy-in.
Between the opioid crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, America now suffers from a surplus of needless, untimely deaths.
A recent Sixth Circuit decision dashed hopes of a faster resolution to the federal opioid multidistrict litigation (MDL).