

  • Bioethics

    Undocumented Organ Transplants

    By Brad Segal Manuel—not his real name—was admitted to the hospital with decompensated heart failure. As a child he had scarlet fever which, left untreated, had caused the valves of his heart to calcify and…

    Undocumented Organ Transplants



  • Animal Research

    Chimeras with benefits? Transplants from bioengineered human/pig donors

    By Brad Segal In January of this year, Cell published a study modestly titled, Interspecies Chimerism with Mammalian Pluripotent Stem Cells. It reports success bioengineering a mostly-pig partly-human embryo. One day before, Nature published a…

    Chimeras with benefits? Transplants from bioengineered human/pig donors



  • Brad Segal

    New twist in debate over resident duty hours (Part I)

    By Brad Segal Amidst a roller-coaster presidential campaign, on November 4th the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) presented a plan to change resident duty hour limits. That the specifics have largely flown under the radar…

    New twist in debate over resident duty hours (Part I)



  • Bioethics

    The Competing Identities of Neuroethics

    By Brad Segal This past week week I attended the International Neuroethics Society’s (INS) annual conference in San Diego, California. Neuroethics is multidisciplinary field that grapples with the implications of neuroscience for—and from—medicine, law, philosophy, and the…

    The Competing Identities of Neuroethics



  • Bioethics

    Organs and Overdoses (Part II): ‘Higher risk’ donors

    By Brad Segal In my last post I characterized how overdoses from the surging opioid epidemic have become the fastest-growing cause of mortality among organ donors. In this update, I raise one potential consequence with ethical…

    Organs and Overdoses (Part II): ‘Higher risk’ donors



  • Bioethics

    Organs and Overdoses: The Numbers (Part I)

    By Brad Segal The surging opioid epidemic is a threat to the nation’s public health. This year the CDC reported that mortality from drug overdose reached an all-time high, with the annual death toll more than doubling…

    Organs and Overdoses: The Numbers (Part I)



  • Brad Segal

    ‘Concussion’ distorts the scope of traumatic brain injury

    By Brad Segal  I just watched the movie Concussion (2015) as an assignment for one of my bioethics courses. The movie is about a physician, Dr. Bennet Omalu, as he unravels the association between playing in NFL…

    ‘Concussion’ distorts the scope of traumatic brain injury



  • 2016 Election

    Confidentiality or Public Disclosure: Trump’s Gastroenterologist and an Ethical Dilemma

    By Brad Segal “If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency,” proclaimed Dr. Harold Bornstein. The gastroenterologist’s letter, released on the candidate’s website nine months ago,…

    Confidentiality or Public Disclosure: Trump’s Gastroenterologist and an Ethical Dilemma

