

  • Affordable Care Act

    Affordable Care, the Supreme Court, and the Wisdom of Crowds

    By David Orentlicher [cross-posted at HealthLawProfs blog and] How will the Supreme Court rule on the challenge to the Affordable Care Act’s subsidies that help millions of lower- and middle-income Americans afford their health care coverage? According…

    Affordable Care, the Supreme Court, and the Wisdom of Crowds



  • Bioethics

    Frozen Embryo Disputes and Unwanted Parenthood

    By David Orentlicher [cross-posted at HealthLawProfs blog and] For the second time, a state court of appeals has given a woman permission to use frozen embryos over the objections of her former partner who supplied the…

    Frozen Embryo Disputes and Unwanted Parenthood



  • Affordable Care Act

    Replacing the Affordable Care Act?

    By David Orentlicher [cross-posted at HealthLawProfs blog] With the future of the Affordable Care Act in doubt after last week’s hearing before the U.S. Supreme Court, Republican lawmakers are busily preparing back-up legislation. New options should…

    Replacing the Affordable Care Act?



  • Affordable Care Act

    Health Care Policy by Common Sense?

    By David Orentlicher [Cross-posted at HealthLawProfs] In announcing the federal government’s approval of Indiana’s Medicaid expansion, Governor Mike Pence invoked common sense in defending his insistence that beneficiaries shoulder a share of their health care…

    Health Care Policy by Common Sense?



  • Affordable Care Act

    Cost Containment and Cost Shifting

    By David Orentlicher [Cross-posted at Health Law Profs.] With Harvard professors protesting their increased responsibility for health care costs, we are seeing just the most visible aspect of the recurring cycle described in “Tragic Choices.” As Guido Calabresi…

    Cost Containment and Cost Shifting



  • David Orentlicher

    Health and Wealth

    By David Orentlicher [Cross-posted at Health Law Profs blog] A number of studies have suggested that education, wealth, and other socioeconomic factors are more important than health care in promoting a person’s health. Earlier this…

    Health and Wealth



  • Bioethics

    Sloppy Thinking about Genetic Therapy

    By David Orentlicher [Cross-posted at Health Law Profs blog] As NPR reported this morning, researchers in England may soon use genetic therapy to treat diseases that result from defects in mitochondrial DNA. Mitochondria create energy…

    Sloppy Thinking about Genetic Therapy



  • David Orentlicher

    Ebola: A Problem of Poverty Rather than Health

    By David Orentlicher [Cross-posted at Health Law Profs and PrawfsBlawg.] Undoubtedly, the death toll in West Africa would be much lower if Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone had better health care systems or if an Ebola vaccine had…

    Ebola: A Problem of Poverty Rather than Health



  • David Orentlicher

    The Ebola “Czar”

    By David Orentlicher [Cross-posted at Health Law Profs and PrawfsBlawg.] In the wake of Craig Spencer’s decision to go bowling in Brooklyn, governors of three major states—Illinois, New Jersey, and New York—have imposed new Ebola quarantine rules that…

    The Ebola “Czar”



  • Bioethics

    Egg Freezing and Women’s Decision Making

    By David Orentlicher [Cross-posted at Health Law Profs and PrawfsBlawg.] The announcement by Apple and Facebook that they will cover the costs of egg freezing predictably provoked some controversy—predictably because it involves reproduction and also…

    Egg Freezing and Women’s Decision Making

