
Leslie Francis

  • Beyond Disadvantage: Disability, Law and Bioethics

    Making “Meaningful Access” Meaningful: Equitable Healthcare for Divisive Times

    By Leslie Francis Another anniversary of President Bush’s signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is coming up in late July, yet the nation remains far from offering even a semblance of equitable societal…

    Making “Meaningful Access” Meaningful: Equitable Healthcare for Divisive Times


    Leslie Francis

  • Human Rights

    Privacy and Confidentiality: Bill of Health at Five Years and Beyond

    In honor of the occasion of the Fifth Anniversary of Bill of Health, this post reflects on the past five years of what’s generally known as “privacy” with respect to health information.  The topic is really…

    Privacy and Confidentiality: Bill of Health at Five Years and Beyond


    Leslie Francis

  • Affordable Care Act

    ERISA and Graham-Cassidy: A Disaster in Waiting for Employee Health Benefits and for Dependents under 26 on their Parents’ Plans

    Graham Cassidy § 105 would repeal the ACA “employer mandate”.  Although its sponsors claim that the bill will give states a great deal of flexibility, it will do nothing to help states ensure that employers…

    ERISA and Graham-Cassidy: A Disaster in Waiting for Employee Health Benefits and for Dependents under 26 on their Parents’ Plans


    Leslie Francis

  • Health Care Reform

    Is There a Fourth Amendment Expectation of Privacy in Prescription Records? According to the Utah District Court, Maybe Not

    It might come as a surprise to many in the United States that they may have no Fourth Amendment reasonable expectation of privacy in their physicians’ records when their physicians transfer these records to state…

    Is There a Fourth Amendment Expectation of Privacy in Prescription Records? According to the Utah District Court, Maybe Not


    Leslie Francis

  • FDA

    The Precision Medicine Initiative and Access

    By Leslie Francis Persistent differences in participation in clinical trials by race and ethnicity are well known; for example, the 2015 Report of the Working Group on Precision Medicine (PMI) relies on statistics that only…

    The Precision Medicine Initiative and Access


    Leslie Francis

  • Affordable Care Act

    The US 2020 HIV/AIDS Strategy and the Limits of ACA

    By Leslie Francis On July 30, the White House announced the updated 2020 HIV/AIDS strategy. The admirable vision of the strategy is that “The United States will become a place where new HIV infections are…

    The US 2020 HIV/AIDS Strategy and the Limits of ACA


    Leslie Francis

  • End-of-Life

    HHS Issues Guidance on Same Sex Spouses and HIPAA

    By Leslie Francis [Cross-posted at HealthLawProfs blog.] Under HIPAA, patients’ spouses and other family members have certain rights to access health information. In an important guidance document in the wake of United States v. Windsor, the Office…

    HHS Issues Guidance on Same Sex Spouses and HIPAA


    Leslie Francis

  • Affordable Care Act

    The Problematic Jurisprudence of Halbig v. Burwell

    By Leslie Francis Like the recent Supreme Court decision in Hobby Lobby, the D.C. Circuit’s ruling earlier this week in Halbig v. Burwell is being hailed by conservatives and bemoaned by liberals as a death…

    The Problematic Jurisprudence of Halbig v. Burwell


    Leslie Francis

  • Health Information Technology

    PCAST, Big Data, and Privacy

    By Leslie Francis Cross-post from HealthLawProf Blog The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) has issued a report intended to be a technological complement to the recent White House report on big data. This PCAST…

    PCAST, Big Data, and Privacy


    Leslie Francis

  • Environment

    Conflicts of Interest and the FDA’s Determinations of Food Safety

    By Leslie Francis At last year’s Petrie-Flom conference on the FDA in the 21st Century, I had an experience that I’ve never really had before in my academic career.  I gave a paper (co-authored, actually)…

    Conflicts of Interest and the FDA’s Determinations of Food Safety


    Leslie Francis