AI’s Ability to Manipulate Decision Making Requires a Moratorium on Its Use in Obtaining Consent for Biomedical Research
The U.S. should ban the use of persuasive AI in human subject research.
The U.S. should ban the use of persuasive AI in human subject research.
Jennifer S. Bard
While issues of influence affecting Supreme Court Justices attract the most attention, the factors that make Justices targets extend across the entire federal judiciary.
Jennifer S. Bard
By declaring the pandemic over by fiat, the government is giving up the fight when they should be redoubling their efforts.
Jennifer S. Bard
Certain aspects of public health law as we know it are dead. In this symposium, we propose a path forward to create a “new public health” from the ashes.
Jennifer S. Bard
Statutes of limitation present a significant hurdle for plaintiffs experiencing harms from COVID-19 infection.
Jennifer S. Bard
Protecting the public’s health stands in direct conflict with the interests of those who fund elections and those who hold political power.
Jennifer S. Bard
Despite recent Supreme Court rulings, the federal government still has considerable power to both lead and persuade.
Jennifer S. Bard
Framing unclean air as a barrier in the built environment may help secure the benefit of indoor air quality standards.
Jennifer S. Bard
It is time to step away from this destructive path where nine unelected individuals can decide our fate.
Jennifer S. Bard
From this hearing we can anticipate substantial strengthening of an individual state’s ability to resist federal regulation.
Jennifer S. Bard