
James Toomey

  • aging

    Rethinking Senior Scams?

    People tend think of scams as distinct from other crimes, as a problem of personal responsibility. Maybe it’s time to reconsider.

    Rethinking Senior Scams?


    James Toomey

    Abstract glitch with word SCAM on 100 Dollar bill. Concept art for Online scam.
  • Bioethics

    A New Theory for Gene Ownership

    In a new paper, Property’s Boundaries, I develop a theory of the boundaries of ownership applicable to bioethics.

    A New Theory for Gene Ownership


    James Toomey

    Cell culture.
  • Genetics

    Equalizing the Genetic Lottery?

    Weaving together her work in genetics with Rawlsian political philosophy, Harden’s book is a must-read for anyone interested in inheritance or politics.

    Equalizing the Genetic Lottery?


    James Toomey

    Colorful lottery balls in a rotating bingo machine.
  • aging

    The Surprising Shape of COVID Fraud

    We cannot straightforwardly assume that older adults are the most vulnerable to the scams of the pandemic.

    The Surprising Shape of COVID Fraud


    James Toomey

    Call from unknown number on iPhone.
  • Health Law Policy

    Trump Can and Should Stop the Kivu Ebola Outbreak

    The second-biggest outbreak of Ebola in history has been raging for eight months in eastern Congo. Notwithstanding the truly heroic efforts of the Congolese government, international aid agencies, and the Congo’s U.N. Peacekeeping force, it’s…

    Trump Can and Should Stop the Kivu Ebola Outbreak


    James Toomey

    Worn-down sign with a WHO sign that reads "Attention Ebola!"
  • Genetics

    Of Risk and Gene Drives

    It is possible that particular gene drives will kill us all. But academia’s emphasis on the risks of human, rather than environmental, genetic engineering mean their heads are in the right place.

    Of Risk and Gene Drives


    James Toomey

    Close-up of a mosquito on human skin
  • Digital Health

    How to Think About Prognosis by Telemedicine

    Before we can assess whether technology can preserve what we care about in telling people they are dying, we need a theory of what we care about.

    How to Think About Prognosis by Telemedicine


    James Toomey

    Image of a laptop showing a doctor holding a stethoscope. Telemedicine abstract.
  • Genetics

    No One Is Sovereign Over Genetic Sequences

    The redistributive intuition of interpreting the Nagoya Protocol to apply to sequence information is appealing. But it makes no sense. And more importantly, it will put lives at risk in times of disease.

    No One Is Sovereign Over Genetic Sequences


    James Toomey

    Image of a globe with a geometrical matrix shape surrounding it