
James Toomey

  • Animal Research

    Malaria Eradication: For Africa as America

    Despite being curable, and eliminated from most developed countries, malaria is the fifth deadliest infectious disease in the world. Gene drives could change that. Let’s give it a try.

    Malaria Eradication: For Africa as America


    James Toomey

    Close up of a mosquito sucking blood on human skin. This mosquito is a carrier of Malaria, Encephalitis, Dengue and Zika virus.
  • Health Law Policy

    Is Narrative Real?

    At the end of last semester, I conducted an online survey and series of interviews seeking to understand the perspectives of seniors on questions of dementia and decision-making. In particular, I asked people to consider what things about themselves…

    Is Narrative Real?


    James Toomey

  • Health Law Policy

    What If the President of Nigeria Had Been Cloned?

    What if a sitting head of state of a constitutional democracy were replaced by a clone of himself during his tenure? Would the clone have a legitimate claim to power, or should the affair be…

    What If the President of Nigeria Had Been Cloned?


    James Toomey

    Image of Nigerian president Muhammadu Buhar
  • Health Law Policy

    The Non-Identity Non-Problem

    Taking on Derek Parfit, student fellow James Toomey argues ways that in some cases personhood will be indeterminate.

    The Non-Identity Non-Problem


    James Toomey

    Illustration of four figures sketching in a man
  • Health Law Policy

    Towards Human Bioprogress

    Bioethical debates are often something of a dialogue of the deaf. A fundamental reason for this is that so much of bioethical theorizing is just rationalizing intuitions. But part of this problem is that we’re…

    Towards Human Bioprogress


    James Toomey

    Man pictured from the back, sitting on a roof, looking at a full moon.
  • Health Law Policy

    Prosecuting Healthcare Fraud: The Need for Statutory Guidance on Costs and Benefits

    The Trump Administration launched the largest healthcare fraud takedown in history in June, charging over 600 individuals responsible for over $2 billion in fraud losses. This takedown, along with the previous summer’s (which had previously…

    Prosecuting Healthcare Fraud: The Need for Statutory Guidance on Costs and Benefits


    James Toomey

    Image of gavel smashing pills
  • Health Law Policy

    The Drinking Age and Law Enforcement on College Campuses

    When I was a senior in college, after having worked for the Cornell University Police Department for four years, I hosted a town hall meeting to promote and improve the Blue Light Escort Service, a…

    The Drinking Age and Law Enforcement on College Campuses


    James Toomey

    A group of college students play jenga and drink beer
  • Health Law Policy

    The Way We Do Bioethics

    Professor S. Matthew Liao of NYU presented a paper last week at the Health Law, Bioethics, and Biotechnology Workshop. Liao’s theory of rights-worthiness is based on the presence of a genetic basis for a moral…

    The Way We Do Bioethics


    James Toomey

    Image of a girl sticking out her tongue in disgust
  • Health Law Policy

    ‘Dignity’ and Biotechnology: Switzerland’s Sanctification of Nature

    Many countries are skeptical of biotechnology. Restrictions on cloning, in vitro fertilization, surrogacy, and genetic modification in agriculture are common. But perhaps no country goes quite as far as Switzerland. In the early 1990s, Switzerland added…

    ‘Dignity’ and Biotechnology: Switzerland’s Sanctification of Nature


    James Toomey

    image of a swiss cow