
Rahul Nayak

  • FDA

    New HarvardX Course on the FDA and Prescription Drugs

    Interested in learning more about pharmaceutical policy? Curious about the role of the FDA in ensure safe and effective drugs reach the market? Wondering why drug prices are so high in the US? Readers of…

    New HarvardX Course on the FDA and Prescription Drugs


    Rahul Nayak

    Harvard X logo
  • Affordable Care Act

    Ending Surprise Emergency Bills

    Let’s hope that Congress will act this session to protect patients and fix this broken market.

    Ending Surprise Emergency Bills


    Rahul Nayak

    image of a doctor neck-down holding a piggy-bank
  • Health Law Policy

    Election Round Up: Medicaid Expansion is an Electoral Winner

    With the midterm elections now behind us, I thought it was time to revisit a prior blog post where I discussed the prospects of state Medicaid expansion ballot propositions in Idaho, Utah, and Nebraska. I…

    Election Round Up: Medicaid Expansion is an Electoral Winner


    Rahul Nayak

    "I voted" sticker on a finger.
  • FDA

    The Rotten U.S. Antiparasitic Drug Market

    Recently, there has been a lot of media attention on galling price hikes of generic drugs. Historically, the social contract in pharmaceutical pricing has been tolerating expensive brand-name drugs while they have been on patent…

    The Rotten U.S. Antiparasitic Drug Market


    Rahul Nayak

    hand reaching for blue pills
  • Affordable Care Act

    Medicaid Expansion Goes to the Polls

    With the 2018 midterm elections fast approaching, there are key some voter propositions with important health implications. Most notably, this November, voters in three conservative states — Idaho (Proposition 2), Utah (Proposition 3), and Nebraska…

    Medicaid Expansion Goes to the Polls


    Rahul Nayak

    image showing a line of voting booths, with legs showing
  • Health Law Policy

    Step therapy explained: An increasingly popular tool for cost control

    News that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will allow Medicare Advantage programs to enact “step therapy” programs for drugs under Part B as part of an effort to combat rising drug prices has…

    Step therapy explained: An increasingly popular tool for cost control


    Rahul Nayak

    shopping trolley with medicine