
Bobby Stroup

  • Bobby Stroup

    Protecting Health Privacy is a Royal Pain

    Heightened Scrutiny of Your Royal Highness On Sunday, March 10, tabloids were in quite a frenzy when the British royal family published a photoshopped picture of Catherine, princess of Wales. The hubbub was extra hubbubbly, because…

    Protecting Health Privacy is a Royal Pain


    Bobby Stroup

  • aging

    Outlive by Peter Attia: A Book Review

    Learn about Medicine 3.0, the four horsemen diseases, and how you might increase your healthspan, all in Peter Attia’s latest book, Outlive.

    Outlive by Peter Attia: A Book Review


    Bobby Stroup

    Red sand passes through hourglass bulbs.
  • Bobby Stroup

    If You Give a Law Student a Baby

    If you give a law student a baby, a few things are inevitable: they are going to look for legal risk, analyze policy, and want a class on MILK.

    If You Give a Law Student a Baby


    Bobby Stroup

    baby feet
  • Bobby Stroup

    WHOOP and the IRS: How Tax Avoidance Helps Health

    WHOOP announced their product is eligible for FSA and HSA spending. That might change the way we think about the tax code and health policy.

    WHOOP and the IRS: How Tax Avoidance Helps Health


    Bobby Stroup

    People running on treadmills in a gym.
  • Bobby Stroup

    The NCAA May Pay a Healthy Sum to Student Athletes

    The challenge of student-athlete compensation is a broader issue rooted in more than a century of health policy.

    The NCAA May Pay a Healthy Sum to Student Athletes


    Bobby Stroup

    football on field
  • Artificial Intelligence

    President Joe Biden, the AI Wizard

    AI isn’t magic, but there is value in telling a magical story to non-technical stakeholders to describe how we’ll govern this transformative technology.

    President Joe Biden, the AI Wizard


    Bobby Stroup

    golden ring on a log.
  • Bobby Stroup

    Emoji Laws in Health Care ❤️⚖️

    A thumbs-up 👍 emoji completed a contract. A moon 🌝 emoji might be evidence of securities fraud. What are the emoji laws in health care?

    Emoji Laws in Health Care ❤️⚖️


    Bobby Stroup

    Portland, OR, USA - Jan 19, 2022: Emojis sorted by usage frequency are seen in the iMessage app on an iPhone.
  • Behavioral Economics

    Shaq, Entrepreneurship, and Social Determinants of Health

    Government policy should promote entrepreneurship to address health inequities. Shaq’s work with social determinants of health shows why.

    Shaq, Entrepreneurship, and Social Determinants of Health


    Bobby Stroup

    AUSTIN, TEXAS, UNITED STATES - October 23, 2022: Shaquille O'Neal at round 19 of the 2022 FIA Formula 1 championship taking place at the Circuit of the Americas in Austin, Texas United States.