The Development and Certification of Decision Aids

Promoting Shared Decision-Making for Patients with Serious Illness
Couldn’t join us for the event? Check out some of the panelist’ slide presentations below!
Decision aids can be highly-effective tools to promote shared decision making and support patients in becoming engaged participants in their healthcare. This was a first-ever convening with leaders behind a Washington experiment in certifying decision aids, as state officials, health systems, and on-the-ground implementation experts shared lessons learned and discussed policy recommendations for national or statewide approaches to decision aid certification.
This event was part of the Project for Advanced Care and Health Policy, a collaboration between the Petrie-Flom Center and the Coalition to Transform Advanced Care (C-TAC), a non-partisan, non-profit alliance of over 130 national organizations dedicated to being a catalyst to change the health delivery system, empower consumers, enhance provider capacity and improve public and private policies in advanced illness care.
Funding for this event was provided by Cambia Health Foundation, Kaiser Permanente, the Milbank Memorial Fund, and the Coalition to Transform Advanced Care (C-TAC).
Program Overview
Person-centered care presents a unique opportunity to achieve the Quadruple Aim, especially during serious illness when people are the most vulnerable. Building on the work of NQF and others, it is now clear that healthcare purchasers (states, plans, care providers) committed to person-centered care should also be committed to shared decision-making.
A number of policy initiatives have sought to increase the use of decision aids as an effective way to further shared decision making and person-centered care. Washington is the first – and, as of the date of this convening, only – state to recognize and act on this opportunity by establishing a process to certify decision aids across the health continuum, including during serious illness when people are the most vulnerable. This program examined the Washington experience and also explored policy barriers for replication of the Washington model at the state and national levels.
This event was free and open to the public.
Program Schedule
8:00 – 8:30am, Registration
8:30 – 8:35am, Welcome Remarks
8:35 – 9:35am, Theory and Knowledge Regarding Decision Aids
Speakers presented an overview of the state of the science.
9:35 – 10:35am, The Washington State Experience
Panelists discussed the use of legislation and policy to promote shared decision-making and utilization of decision aids.
10:35 – 10:45am, Break
10:45 – 11:45am, The Creation of a Decision Aid Certification Process
A representative from the Washington State Health Care Authority Patient Decision Aid Certification committee discussed the development of a statewide decision aid certification program, experiences, challenges, and barriers.
Session Materials
11:45am – 12:30pm, Shared Decision-Making Implementation: What Do We Know?
This session addressed lessons learned from the field, including how one health system successfully implemented shared decision-making, changing the culture of their practice; the challenges they encountered along the way; and where they are today.
Session Materials
12:30 – 1:30pm, Lunch and Networking
1:30 – 2:15pm, How Decision Aids Can Promote Person-Centered Care for Serious Illness
Panelists introduced the Respecting Choices approach to the creation and utilization of encounter decision aids to promote shared decision-making.
Session Materials
2:15 – 3:30pm, Next Steps: Moving from Science and Policy to Practice
A Call to Action: Building on the Washington state experience, this panel discussion and interactive session explored how key partners can work together to allow decision aids to accelerate the move of shared decision-making into the mainstream of clinical practice, and recommended policies that can overcome barriers to replication in other states and nationally.
3:30 – 4:30pm, Networking Reception
Learn More!
Slide Presentations
This event was part of the Project for Advanced Care and Health Policy, a collaboration between the Petrie-Flom Center and the Coalition to Transform Advanced Care (C-TAC), a non-partisan, non-profit alliance of over 130 national organizations dedicated to being a catalyst to change the health delivery system, empower consumers, enhance provider capacity and improve public and private policies in advanced illness care.
Funding for this event was provided by Cambia Health Foundation, Kaiser Permanente, the Milbank Memorial Fund, and the Coalition to Transform Advanced Care (C-TAC).