By Barbara PrainsackAlena Buyx, and Amelia Fiske

We are pleased to present this symposium featuring commentary from participants in the “Critical Studies of Citizen Science in Biomedical Research” conference held on the March 2, 2017, at King’s College London. Organized by different projects concerned with citizen science in Kiel (A. Buyx) &London (B. Prainsack), Exeter (S. Leonelli), and Geneva (B. Strasser), the event took a critical look at the role of citizen science in biomedical research in the 21st Century.


What is Citizen Science anyway? Introduction to the new blog symposium “Citizen Science”

Quantified Self as Personal (Citizen) Science

Citizen Science and Precision Medicine: a Route to Democracy in Health?

Citizen Science: Non-scientists enable sampling conditions in ocean sciences

Health in the Factory: The Historical Roots of Italian Citizen Science

Citizen Science where there are no citizens: participation and exclusion in Antarctic science

Do–It–Yourself Biology as Citizen Science: Taking Participation a Step Further

More than Data Collectors: Valuing Data Expertise Beyond Professional Science

Experiential Knowledge, Public Participation, and the Challenge to the Authority of Science in the 1970s

Self-reporting and participatory health platforms: Empowerment through sharing information about oneself online?


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