Timo Minssen

Workshops at the Brocher Foundation

Dear colleagues, Do not miss this splendid opportunity to conduct and discuss biomedical and legal research at on of the most beautiful spots in Europe: Workshops The Brocher Foundation is inviting junior and senior researchers to submit proposals for a 2 to 3 day multidisciplinary workshop project on the Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of new…

Dear colleagues,
Do not miss this splendid opportunity to conduct and discuss biomedical and legal research at on of the most beautiful spots in Europe:
The Brocher Foundation is inviting junior and senior researchers to submit proposals for a 2 to 3 day multidisciplinary workshop project on the Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of new medical developments.

The Brocher Foundation will host and support the cost of the event between 2 May and 30 June 2016 or between 2 November to 16 December 2016, or between 9 January and 27 January 2017 at the Brocher Center.

Excepted the travel reimbursements which will be directly arranged by the organizers, the Brocher Foundation will be responsible for all the logistics, according to its standard.

The call will end on the 17 May 2015 at midnight GMT.

Further information is available at: https://www.brocher.ch/en/