
Introducing Kevin Outterson

We’re excited to introduce and welcome Kevin Outterson to our blogging community.  Kevin will be cross posting from The Incidental Economist. Kevin teaches health law and corporate law at Boston University, where he co-directs the Health Law Program. He serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics; faculty co-advisor to the American Journal of Law…

We’re excited to introduce and welcome Kevin Outterson to our blogging community.  Kevin will be cross posting from The Incidental Economist.

Kevin teaches health law and corporate law at Boston University, where he co-directs the Health Law Program. He serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics; faculty co-advisor to the American Journal of Law & Medicine; immediate past chair of the Section on Law, Medicine & Health Care of the AALS; and a member of the Board of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics. Before teaching, Kevin was a partner at two major US law firms.

His research work focuses on the organization and finance of the health sector. Areas of specialization include global pharmaceutical markets, particularly antibiotics and other antimicrobials that can degrade in usefulness over time through resistance. He leads an interdisciplinary project on the legal ecology of antimicrobial resistance, funded in part by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation program on public health law. He is a faculty affiliate at the Harvard Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics and an appointed member of the Antimicrobial Resistance Working Group at the CDC. Another significant body of work critiques access and equity issues created by global patent and drug regulation laws. Key texts in this debate include the WTO TRIPS Agreement and related trade agreements.

Kevin publishes in both legal journals (Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law & Ethics; Cardozo Law Review; University of Pittsburgh Law Review; Kansas Law Review; American Journal of Law & Medicine) and peer-reviewed medical and health policy journals (New England Journal of Medicine; Health Affairs; Lancet Infectious Diseases; Environmental Philosophy; Medical Journal of Australia; Journal of Generic Medicines; Clinical Infectious Diseases; Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics).

On behalf of The New England Journal of Medicine and other clients, Kevin filed an amicus brief in the US Supreme Court, supporting Vermont’s prescription privacy law. His work was cited by Justice Breyer in Sorrell v. IMS Health. He also led a team at BU, along with another Bill of Health blogger, Abby Moncrieff, which filed four amicus briefs supporting the Affordable Care Act.

Kevin’s academic papers can be found at

Welcome, Kevin!