We’re excited to introduce and welcome Nic Terry to our blogging community. He is one of the permanent bloggers at the HealthLawProf blog, with whom we are collaborating.
Nic is the Hall Render Professor of Law at the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law. He serves as Co-Director of the Hall Center for Law and Health, and teaches Torts, Products Liability, Health Information Technology, Law & Science, and Health Care Quality & Safety. Educated at Kingston University and the University of Cambridge, Nic began his academic career as a member of the law faculty of the University of Exeter in England before joining the faculty at Saint Louis University School of Law. From 1996-1997 he was Director of Legal Education at LEXIS-NEXIS. He has been a Senior Fellow at Melbourne Law School and held visiting faculty positions at the law schools of Santa Clara University, the University of Missouri-Columbia, Washington University, and the University of Iowa. From 2000-08 Nic served as co-director of Saint Louis University’s Center for Health Law Studies and from 2008-10 as the School of Law’s Senior Associate Dean. Nic’s research interests lie primarily at the intersection of medicine, law, and information technology.
Some of Nic’s representative work includes:
- Meaningful Adoption: What We Know or Think We Know about the Financing, Effectiveness, Quality, and Safety of Electronic Medical Records, xx J. Legal Medicine xxx (forthcoming 2012).
- Information Technology’s Failure to Disrupt Healthcare, xx Nevada LJ xxx (forthcoming 2012).
- Anticipating Stage Two: Assessing the Development of Meaningful Use and EMR Deployment, 21(1) Annals of Health Law 103-19 (2012).
- Fear of Facebook: Private Ordering of Social Media Risks Incurred by Healthcare Providers, 90 Neb. L. Rev. 703-51 (2012).
- Certification and Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Records: Reframing Adoption as a Quality and Reimbursement Imperative, 8 Indiana Health L. Rev. 45-68 (2011).
- Physicians And Patients Who ‘Friend’ Or ‘Tweet’: Constructing A Legal Framework For Social Networking In A Highly Regulated Domain, 43 Ind. L. Rev. 285-341 (2010).
You can find more here.
Welcome, Nic!