
Symposium: Freedom of Choice at the End of Life, Nov. 16

By Nadia N. Sawicki New York Law School’s Justice Action Center is hosting a symposium on elder law on Friday, November 16, titled “Freedom of Choice at the End of Life: Patients’ Rights in a Shifting Legal and Political Landscape.”   A number of Bill of Health bloggers (myself included) will be speaking at this event,…

By Nadia N. Sawicki

New York Law School’s Justice Action Center is hosting a symposium on elder law on Friday, November 16, titled “Freedom of Choice at the End of Life: Patients’ Rights in a Shifting Legal and Political Landscape.”   A number of Bill of Health bloggers (myself included) will be speaking at this event, which will address topics including legal and practical impediments to honoring end-of-life wishes, the practicalities of drafting and using advance planning tools, pain management and palliative care, futility, and ethical dilemmas in end-of-life care.  You can register here.