Call for Abstracts

Call for Abstracts: 2013 Health Law Scholars Workshop

The Center for Health Law Studies at Saint Louis University and the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics (ASLME) are pleased to announce the 2013 Health Law Scholars Workshop. The Health Law Scholars Workshop is a collegial forum in which junior faculty who are new to health law and bioethics scholarship present works-in-progress and…

The Center for Health Law Studies at Saint Louis University and the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics (ASLME) are pleased to announce the 2013 Health Law Scholars Workshop. The Health Law Scholars Workshop is a collegial forum in which junior faculty who are new to health law and bioethics scholarship present works-in-progress and receive in-depth advice from experienced scholars and teachers in the field of health law and bioethics. The workshop encourages health and bioethics scholarship, fosters the professional development of emerging scholars and furthers the sense of community among health law academics. The full brochure may be found here.

A nominating committee selects the papers to be presented at the workshop. The committee looks for papers that have an original thesis and will contribute to scholarly literature. The workshop is designed primarily to provide feedback on articles intended for spring submission to law review journals. The workshop is not designed to review published work or papers already accepted for publication.

Those interested in presenting a health law or bioethics work-in-progress at the Health Law Scholars Workshop should submit a 500-word abstract of the proposed paper together with a resumé to Cheryl Cooper ( at Saint Louis University School of Law by April 1, 2013. Because a blind selection process is used, please do not include the author’s name or institutional affiliation on the abstract. Questions about the submission process should be directed to Prof. Sidney D. Watson at or 314-977-2751.