Alex Stein

Introducing Guest Blogger Alex Stein

Alex Stein is Professor of Law at Brooklyn Law School. Prior to joining Brooklyn Law, Professor Stein was on the faculty at Cardozo (2004–16) and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1991–2004). Alex also held visiting professorial appointments at Columbia, Miami, and Yale Law Schools. In Fall 2016, he visited Harvard Law School, where he taught Torts and a…

Alex Stein is Professor of Law at Brooklyn Law School. Prior to joining Brooklyn Law, Professor Stein was on the faculty at Cardozo (2004–16) and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1991–2004). Alex also held visiting professorial appointments at Columbia, Miami, and Yale Law Schools. In Fall 2016, he visited Harvard Law School, where he taught Torts and a seminar on Medical Malpractice. Alex’s specialty areas are Evidence, Medical Malpractice, Torts, and general legal theory. He authors three books, An Analytical Approach to Evidence (with Ronald J. Allen et al.) (6th ed. 2016), Foundations of Evidence Law (Oxford University Press, 2005) and Tort Liability under Uncertainty (Oxford University Press, 2001) (with Ariel Porat), and over sixty articles of which many have appeared in leading journals including Harvard Law Review, Columbia Law Review, University of Pennsylvania Law ReviewMichigan Law Review, Virginia Law Review, Georgetown Law Journal, Northwestern University Law Review, Texas Law Review, Vanderbilt Law Review and Oxford Journal of Legal Studies. Alex was one of the founding editors of Theoretical Inquiries in Law. In 2013, he launched an e-journal STEIN on Medical Malpractice that covers all significant developments in medical malpractice laws across the United States and attracts 27,000 visitors every year. He graduated from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and earned a Ph.D. from the University of London.


The Domain of Torts, 117 Colum. L. Rev. (forthcoming in 2017).

Abortion, Informed Consent, and Regulatory Spillover, 91 Indiana L.J. (forthcoming in 2017) (with Katherine Shaw).

The New Doctrinalism: Implications for Evidence Theory, 163 U. Pa. L. Rev. 2085 (2015).

Catalogs, 115 Colum. L. Rev. 165 (2015) (with Gideon Parchomovsky).

Are People Probabilistically Challenged?  Review of Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow, 111 Mich. L. Rev. 855 (2013).

Toward a Theory of Medical Malpractice, 97 Iowa L. Rev. 1201 (2012).

Liability for Future Harms, in Perspectives on Causation 221 (Richard S. Goldberg, ed., 2011) (with Ariel Porat).

The Distortionary Effect of Evidence on Primary Behavior, 124 Harv. L. Rev. 518 (2010) (with Gideon Parchomovsky).