HLS Health Law Workshop: Leemore Dafny
November 10, 2014 5:00 PM
Griswold Hall, Room 110 (Harvard Law School)
1525 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA [Map here.]
Download the paper: “More Insurers Lower Premiums: Evidence from Initial Pricing in the Health Insurance Marketplaces” (co-authors, Jonathan Gruber and Christopher Ody)
Leemore Dafny is a Professor of Management and Strategy and the Herman Smith Research Professor in Hospital and Health Services at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. Her research examines competitive interactions among payers and providers of healthcare services, and the intersection of industry and public policy. Dafny’s work has been published in journals such as the American Economic Review and the New England Journal of Medicine, and featured in The New York Times, BusinessWeek, Bloomberg, and The Washington Post.
Current projects include studies of consolidation in the U.S. hospital industry and the kidney dialysis industry, organizational form of provider practices, copayment coupons for prescription drugs, and the implications of for-profit ownership of insurance companies.