
February 9-13, 2015: Visit Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm to Learn More About Biobanking

By Timo Minssen The following information has been extracted from the webpage of the BioBanking and Molecular Resource Infrastructure of Sweden on the course Biobanking as a Resource for Biomedical Research, February 9-13, 2015 at Karolinska Institutet (Stockholm).  Purpose and Goal Biobanks constitute a powerful resource in medical research with access to millions of samples and associated data…

By Timo Minssen

The following information has been extracted from the webpage of the BioBanking and Molecular Resource Infrastructure of Sweden on the course Biobanking as a Resource for Biomedical Research, February 9-13, 2015 at Karolinska Institutet (Stockholm). 

Purpose and Goal

Biobanks constitute a powerful resource in medical research with access to millions of samples and associated data collected within health care and in specific research studies. New “omic-technologies” with high-throughput analytical platforms now permit large scale analyses without the need to wait for years while new samples are being collected.

However, successful research based on human biological samples and associated data requires applied knowledge about how the samples have been collected and processed. Standardized procedures, controlled pre-analytical variables and study documentation are key factors for the reliability and validity of the analytical findings.

This one week course addresses fundamental concepts in biobank infrastructures and biobank research, ethical and legal frameworks, technologies, sample analysis and practical considerations when new samples are to be collected. 

Course Content: Participants will get insights and knowledge of

  • the value of biobanking in national and international collaboration projects.
  • the need of standardization and the importance to ensure quality in all steps from needle to freezer.
  • basic principles of common and advanced molecular technologies for sample analysis
  • the need of a secure IT structure in order to ensure the integrity of the sample donors with full traceability of samples and data.
  • data handling and bioinformatics in biomedical research.
  • the legal and ethical framework for biomedical research on human samples

Course Structure: Lectures, field trips, presentation (= examination).

Target Group: PhD students, postdocs and professionals from health care, universities and industry with an interest in biobanking.

Course Management: 

The responsible department for this course is the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (MEB), Karolinska Institutet in collaboration with


  • PhD students and postdocs, please apply here.
  • Professionals from health care, universities and industry, please send your CV and a short letter in which you motivate your interest to attend this course before Decn1st to Gunnel Tybring, course manager. E-mail: