
WEBINARS: Policy Surveillance Methods

Join the Policy Surveillance Program for our new monthly webinar series teaching introductory and advanced policy surveillance techniques and applications. Learn more and register today for our one-hour sessions! April 4, 2017, 11:00-12:00 ET – Intro to Policy Surveillance This webinar provides a broad overview of policy surveillance methods and their applications. Attendees will learn…

monthlywebinars-squaregraphic-01Join the Policy Surveillance Program for our new monthly webinar series teaching introductory and advanced policy surveillance techniques and applications.

Learn more and register today for our one-hour sessions!

April 4, 2017, 11:00-12:00 ET – Intro to Policy Surveillance
This webinar provides a broad overview of policy surveillance methods and their applications. Attendees will learn the differences among and uses of various scientific legal mapping techniques (e.g., policy surveillance, legal assessments), and the steps of the policy surveillance process.

April 11, 2017, 11:00-12:00 ET – Advanced Policy Surveillance: Scoping and Question Development
This webinar presents an in-depth lesson on the first steps in the policy surveillance process: project scoping and question development. Attendees will learn how to conduct background research, which is used to define and refine the scope of the legal mapping project at the beginning of the project and throughout its duration, and facilitates the question development step of the process. Attendees will also learn how to write questions for policy surveillance coding that are based on observation of the law, rather than interpretation.

April 25, 2017, 11:00-12:00 ET – Advanced Policy Surveillance: Collecting the Law
This webinar teaches in-depth the second step in the policy surveillance process: collecting the law. Attendees will learn how to find and gather legal citations relevant to their topic in each jurisdiction being studied and then capture the text of the law in one document per jurisdiction.