By Nicolas Terry and Frank Pasquale
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This week’s episode features a welcome return from Rachel Sachs, Associate Professor of Law at the Washington University in St. Louis School of Law. Rachel’s primary research interests lie at the intersection of patent law and health law, with a particular focus on problems of innovation and access and the ways in which law exacerbates or ameliorates these problems. She is a prolific scholar who has a knack for identifying cutting-edge research. We focus on her most recent publication, Delinking Reimbursement. We discuss various aspects of the drug price phenomenon, attempting to find some explanations for our current predicament, while exploring some possible solutions.
The Week in Health Law Podcast from Frank Pasquale and Nicolas Terry is a commuting-length discussion about some of the more thorny issues in Health Law & Policy. Subscribe at Apple Podcasts, listen at Stitcher Radio Tunein, or Podbean, or search for The Week in Health Law in your favorite podcast app. Show notes and more are at If you have comments, an idea for a show or a topic to discuss you can find us on Twitter @nicolasterry @FrankPasquale @WeekInHealthLaw.