
Amalia Sweet

  • Clinical Research

    On Experiencing IBD as a Woman

    The onus should not be on patients, many of whom are less privileged than me, to convince health care providers to take their pain seriously.

    On Experiencing IBD as a Woman


    Amalia Sweet

    Surgeon and anesthetist doctor ER team with medical clinic room background.
  • Featured

    The Ongoing Step Therapy Debate

    Senator Lisa Murkowski’s reintroduction of the Safe Step Act has revived the debate over the prudence of step therapy protocols. 

    The Ongoing Step Therapy Debate


    Amalia Sweet

    Steps 1, 2, 3, 4 signpost.
  • Antitrust

    Is It Time to Reverse Health System Consolidation?

    Concentrated corporate power currently impedes affordable provision of health care across the state of Massachusetts.

    Is It Time to Reverse Health System Consolidation?


    Amalia Sweet

    Emergency room.
  • FDA

    Year in Review: Biosimilars

    In November 2020, the FDA released its most recent draft guidance for industry on biosimilarity and interchangeability

    Year in Review: Biosimilars


    Amalia Sweet

    Graphic rendering of antibodies in the bloodstream.
  • FDA

    Fortifying the US Pharmaceutical Supply Chain

    Reducing dependency on any single nation must be a federal priority, but it can be accomplished only with industry stakeholder buy-in.

    Fortifying the US Pharmaceutical Supply Chain


    Amalia Sweet

    Pill pack.