
  • Introductions

    Introducing Our First Guest Blogger, Nadia Sawicki

    We’re excited to introduce and welcome our first guest blogger of the Fall semester, Nadia Sawicki.  (And note that we’ve already introduced a ton of other bloggers below – you can also get to their…

    Introducing Our First Guest Blogger, Nadia Sawicki

  • 2012 Election

    Research Participation as a Responsibility of Citizenship

    by Suzanne M. Rivera, Ph.D. For legitimate reasons, the human research enterprise frequently is regarded with suspicion.  Despite numerous rules in place to protect research participants’ rights and welfare, there is a perception that research…

    Research Participation as a Responsibility of Citizenship

  • Biotechnology

    New Product Liability Regime for Stem Cell Products?

    By Hyeongsu Park In May 2012, Health Canada granted market authorization for Prochymal. This decision is the world’s first regulatory approval of a stem cell drug (as well as the first therapy for acute graft-vs-host…

    New Product Liability Regime for Stem Cell Products?

  • Alvin Roth

    The Supply of American Doctors

    Following up on his post on Australia, Al Roth notes that American medicine is a market with tightly restricted entry, at all levels. Proposed legislation offers a glimpse: Bill Would Create More Medical-Residency Slots, Potentially Easing Physician…

    The Supply of American Doctors

  • Adriana Benedict

    Is the USTR Trading Away Doctors’ Rights to Freely Perform Medical Procedures?

    By Adriana Lee Benedict  The 14th round of negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA, a multilateral trade agreement currently being negotiated by the USTR and 10 other countries) is currently underway in Leesburg, VA.…

    Is the USTR Trading Away Doctors’ Rights to Freely Perform Medical Procedures?

  • Yale Center for Bioethics

    Yale’s Friday Newsletter

    So…it’s a bit late today, but each Friday we’ll be posting some highlights from the Yale Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics newsletter (AKA “Frimail”), a really fantastic resource for those of us interested in what’s been going…

    Yale’s Friday Newsletter

  • Alvin Roth

    Market Design Flaw in Australia

    Al Roth has come across a troubling phenomenon in Australia, where medical internships are in short supply. Medical students languish in a critical condition The Australian Medical Students’ Association estimates almost 500 students will miss…

    Market Design Flaw in Australia

  • HealthLawProf Blog

    Worth Reading This Week

    By Nicolas Terry Kathleen Boozang, The New Relators: In-House Counsel and Compliance Officers, SSRN David Asch & Kevin Volpp, What Business Are We In? The Emergence of Health as the Business of Health Care, NEJM…

    Worth Reading This Week

  • Empirical

    FDA Law: More Statutes Than Regulations?

    By Katie Booth The FDA Law Blog has just published a semi-serious study by Kurt Karst on the growth of Title 21 of the United States Code (“USC”) compared to Title 21 of the Code of…

    FDA Law: More Statutes Than Regulations?

  • Empirical

    The Evolution of Public Health Law Research

    By: Scott Burris, JD Law has been used to protect and promote public health from the early days of European colonization of North America. Quarantine statutes and orders are reported from the mid-17th century. The…

    The Evolution of Public Health Law Research