
Upcoming Event: Harvard Med School Public Forum

PRESCRIBING MEDICATION TO END LIFE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2012 4:00 – 6:00 PM Harvard Medical School Carl W. Walter Amphitheater Tosteson Medical Education Center 260 Longwood Avenue, Boston Should a physician licensed in Massachusetts–at the request of a capable, terminally ill, adult patient (meeting certain conditions)–be allowed to prescribe medication that could end that person’s…


THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2012 4:00 – 6:00 PM

Harvard Medical School Carl W. Walter Amphitheater Tosteson Medical Education Center 260 Longwood Avenue, Boston

Should a physician licensed in Massachusetts–at the request of a capable, terminally ill, adult patient (meeting certain conditions)–be allowed to prescribe medication that could end that person’s life?  The answers to this ballot question are just two: yes or no. The questions, though, are countless.


Lachlan Forrow, MD, Chair, Massachusetts Expert Panel on End of Life Care

Carol Powers, JD, President, Community Voices in Medical Ethics, Inc.

Ellen Weinstein, JD, Assistant General Counsel, Boston Medical Center

Marcia Angell, MD, Signer, Initiative Petition for MA Death With Dignity Act


Robert Truog, MD, Professor of Medical Ethics, Anesthesiology, & Pediatrics, HMS

Christine Mitchell, RN, Associate Director, Clinical Ethics, Harvard Medical School

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