Hyeongsu Park

Petrie-Flom Interns’ Weekly Round-up: December 8 – December 21

By Hyeongsu Park and Kathy Wang Pennsylvania governor Tom Corbett joined other Republicans in vowing not to set up a state-wide health care exchange, citing a lack of resources and preparation in order to do so. In making this decision, the Corbett administration will be allowing the Presidential administration to take charge of its exchange….

By Hyeongsu Park and Kathy Wang

  • Pennsylvania governor Tom Corbett joined other Republicans in vowing not to set up a state-wide health care exchange, citing a lack of resources and preparation in order to do so. In making this decision, the Corbett administration will be allowing the Presidential administration to take charge of its exchange. This decision comes amidst large debate that basically broke down along partisan lines, with Democrats strongly pushing for a state-specific exchange.
  • Even as some states have been resisting setting up these health care exchanges, other states are moving ahead and have already garnered conditional approval for their health insurance marketplaces. These nine states, all of which are headed by Democratic governors, have expressed strong interest in carrying out the health care overhaul as swiftly as possible. Other states have been attempting to bargain for a partial expansion of Medicaid, although they have largely been met by rejection from the administration.
  • The European Institute of Bioethics released a study last week on the state of Belgium’s legalized euthanasia law, which was worded with the intent to protect the vulnerable. However, the report found several failings in the law and corresponding processes, finding on-going abuses in several areas.
  • In Australia, the most recent bioethics debate has been around overseas commercial surrogacy, as authorities attempt to reconcile legalized commercial surrogacy and the potential exploitation of women and the protection of surrogates, commissioning parents, and children.
  • Last week, AP reported that there are “fewer health care options for illegal immigrants,” highlighting a controversial point in the newly passed health care bill. Since most states do not question immigration status, it has been difficult to establish the cost of treatment of illegal immigrants.
  • In the ever-controversial debate about abortion laws, Wisconsin and Michigan have recently joined the fray. In Wisconsin, its chapter of Planned Parenthood intends to sue over abortion medication. Meanwhile, in Michigan, two bills limiting abortion moved closer to becoming law.
  • Meanwhile, overseas, the Irish government made a statement on Tuesday suggesting it would allow abortion under limited circumstances. This action is seen largely as a response to comply with demands of the European Court of Human Rights. In addition, in the Philippines, a bill intended to expand birth control to give access to the poor and those who live in rural areas was finally passed through legislation, pushing through much religious and sociopolitical challenge. As a country that is 80% Catholic, this measure had been debated for over a decade with strong opposition from the Church.
  • Last Friday, the Supreme Court decided that it would rule on a case regarding generic medicines, which has the potential to answer longstanding questions as to whether pharmaceutical companies buying out generics is a violation of antitrust law. These “pay-for-delay” deals are largely intended to allow pharmaceutical companies to continue to charge higher prices for their brand-name drugs.
  • A NY Times article highlights alternative methods of addressing the problem of a shortage of doctors, primary care physicians in particular, by relying on other medical professionals and expanding their capacities. Initiatives to allow non-doctors to take a larger role in medical care seem to be promising ways of filling this supply gap.
  • In the aftermath of the legalization of marijuana in Colorado and Washington, federal inaction has allowed marijuana proponents in California to renew their challenge of federal government closures of one of the state’s largest marijuana dispensaries.