Petrie-Flom Center

From the Editors: Technical Problem with Comment Function

Please be advised that we are currently experiencing some malfunction with the blog’s comment function. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working to have it fixed.  In the interim, if you have a comment you would like us to post on your behalf, we are happy to do so.  Send an email to hlynch…

Please be advised that we are currently experiencing some malfunction with the blog’s comment function. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working to have it fixed.  In the interim, if you have a comment you would like us to post on your behalf, we are happy to do so.  Send an email to hlynch at law dot harvard dot edu.

Thanks for your patience; we hope to have this issue resolved quickly.  Please note that normally, your comments should appear automatically when you hit the “post” button.