
Post-doc/Instructor Positions in Medical Ethics at NYULMC

The Division of Medical Ethics at the NYU Langone medical Center seeks to recruit two persons either as post-docs or instructors. Applicants must demonstrate an excellent record of quality scholarship and teaching, and must have a PhD, JD, or MD. Successful applicants will be expected to demonstrate a strong scholarly career track in a sub-field…

The Division of Medical Ethics at the NYU Langone medical Center seeks to recruit two persons either as post-docs or instructors.

Applicants must demonstrate an excellent record of quality scholarship and teaching, and must have a PhD, JD, or MD. Successful applicants will be expected to demonstrate a strong scholarly career track in a sub-field of medical ethics/bioethics. The Division is especially interested in persons with research interests in neuroethics, reproductive technologies and ethics, public health ethics, transplantation ethics and mental health ethics.

The appointment will be for two years.  The appointment will be in the Division ( which is housed in the Department of Population Health at NYULMC (  The post-docs will report directly to the Director of the Division.  Successful applicants will have significant protected time to pursue research.  They will be expected to teach one class at the graduate level per year, to participate in mentoring students doing projects in medical ethics and to assist in teaching medical ethics to undergraduate medical students and residents.  Stipends will be negotiated.  Health care and other benefits will be provided.

NYULMC encompasses the NYU School of Medicine, three hospitals (Tisch, Rusk, and the Hospital for Joint Diseases) and a number of affiliates including Bellevue and the Manhattan VA Medical Center.  The Division maintains close ties to the Center for Bioethics located on the Washington Square campus (

Send a cover letter, CV and three letters of reference electronically to Jessica Oyola at with Search Division Post-Doc in the heading.  Applications will be accepted until October 1, 2013.

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