Please join the Division of Medical Ethics for:
The 2013 George W. Gay Lecture in Medical Ethics
Dan W. Brock, PhD
Frances Glessner Lee Professor of Medical Ethics, Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, HMS
“The Future of Bioethics”
Wednesday, May 22, 2013 (note new date)
4:00 PM
Harvard Medical School, Tosteson Medical Education Center
Carl W. Walter Amphitheater
260 Longwood Avenue, Boston
Please pass this invitation along to other interested friends and colleagues.
The George W. Gay Lecture is the oldest endowed lectureship at Harvard Medical School, and quite possibly the oldest medical ethics lectureship in the United States. The lectureship was established in 1917 by a $1,000 gift from Dr. George Washington Gay, an 1868 graduate of HMS. Since its inception, many of the nation’s most influential physicians, scientists, researchers and social observers, including Erich Fromm, Felix Frankfurter, Margaret Mead, Elizabeth Kübler Ross, E.O. Wilson, and Joshua Lederberg have given the Gay Lecture. Elie Wiesel, Marian Wright Edelman, Paul Krugman, Nicholas Kristof and Donald Berwick have given recent Gay Lectures.