- Samantak Ghosh, The Taking of Human Biological Products, SSRN/Calif L. Rev
- Mark Rothstein & Abigail Shoben, Does Consent Bias Research? SSRN/Am.J.Bioethics
- David Hyman, Why Did Law Professors Misunderestimate the Lawsuits against PPACA? SSRN/U. Ill. L. Rev.
- Aaron S. Kesselheim, et al, Distributions of Industry Payments to Massachusetts Physicians, NEJM
Nicolas Terry
Worth Reading This Week
By Nicolas Terry Samantak Ghosh, The Taking of Human Biological Products, SSRN/Calif L. Rev Mark Rothstein & Abigail Shoben, Does Consent Bias Research? SSRN/Am.J.Bioethics David Hyman, Why Did Law Professors Misunderestimate the Lawsuits against PPACA? SSRN/U. Ill. L. Rev. Aaron S. Kesselheim, et al, Distributions of Industry Payments to Massachusetts Physicians, NEJM