
Fifth Call for Proposals Now Open

Public Health Law Research has released its fifth call for proposals on studies that focus on the effects of laws and policies on public health. The new call for proposals is available online: The deadline for submitting proposals is July 24, 2013 at 3 p.m. ET. As much as $1 million is available in this…

Public Health Law Research has released its fifth call for proposals on studies that focus on the effects of laws and policies on public health.

The new call for proposals is available online:

The deadline for submitting proposals is July 24, 2013 at 3 p.m. ET.

As much as $1 million is available in this round of funding for short-term studies. Studies up to 18 months long will be funded at up to $150,000 each.

While PHLR funds studies that mainly focus on the intersection between law and public health, researchers from other disciplines, such as medicine, economics, sociology, psychology, and public policy and administration are encouraged to be part of multi-disciplinary teams of applicants.

PHLR’s previous four calls for proposals were issued in 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012. Fifty-one studies have been funded to date, addressing a wide range of legal and public health issues, including: the impact of lead laws on public health; effective legal decision-making during public health emergencies; issues related to the public health infrastructure at the state and local levels; the impact of laws on distracted driving and teen driver injury and mortality rates; and many more.

A conference call for applicants will be held June 18, 2013. Applicants are required to register through the RWJF website: