Call for Abstracts

AALS Section on Law, Medicine & Health Care Call for Papers

2014 Annual Meeting Section Panel Saturday, January 4, 2014, 2:00–3:45 p.m.  Sustainability and Health This panel will explore the effects of the environment on health in western nations and the role that sustainability initiatives play with regard to wellness. The panel will be interdisciplinary, broadly spanning topics in health, environmental, and animal law and policy…

2014 Annual Meeting Section Panel

Saturday, January 4, 2014, 2:00–3:45 p.m.

 Sustainability and Health

This panel will explore the effects of the environment on health in western nations and the role that sustainability initiatives play with regard to wellness. The panel will be interdisciplinary, broadly spanning topics in health, environmental, and animal law and policy as well as public health, land use, and urban planning. Possible topics include: the effects of urban planning on food access and obesity, the consequences of factory farming for human health, the effects of local and sustainable food movements on human health, the health impacts of environmental laws, the environmental impacts of health laws, and the link between ground water and air pollution and illness.

Interested speakers should submit an abstract of up to 300 words electronically by August 31, 2013 to: Ani B. Satz, Chair-Elect, AALS Section on Law, Medicine & Health Care, Selected speakers will have the option of publishing original papers not committed for publication or in print prior to the Annual Meeting in a special issue of the peer reviewed Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics.