We are pleased to welcome Matthew J.B. Lawrence, who recently joined the Petrie-Flom Center as the 2013-2015 Academic Fellow.
Lawrence earned a J.D. magna cum laude from New York University School of Law in 2009, where he was Managing Editor of the N.Y.U. Law Review and was awarded the Paul D. Kaufman Memorial Prize for writing the most outstanding Law Review note. After law school he clerked for the Honorable Douglas H. Ginsburg of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, and then became a Trial Attorney at the Federal Programs Branch of the United States Department of Justice. There he served as attorney of record for the United States defending various federal agency actions against statutory and constitutional challenges in district and appellate court, including numerous high-stakes Medicare cases. His methodological focus is the operation and design of decision-making processes in light of the actual and theoretically expected behavior of participants at every level, from first mover to final arbiter. His past work has applied this focus to medical malpractice and civil procedure, and his current work applies this focus to the federally-mandated procedures that govern disputes between insured and insurer about coverage for doctor-recommended care.
Courts Should Apply a Relatively More Stringent Pleading Threshold to Class Actions (forthcoming, U. Cin. L. Rev.))
The Jurisdiction of the D.C. Circuit (with Eric M. Fraser; David K. Kessler; & Stephen A. Calhoun) (forthcoming, Cornell J. of L. & Pub. Pol’y)
Forcing Patients to Do What They Really Want to Do: The Case for Excuse Paternalism (unpublished manuscript, available on SSRN)
Note, In Search of an Enforceable Medical Malpractice Exculpatory Agreement: Introducing Confidential Contracts as a Solution to the Doctor-Patient Relationship Problem, 83 N.Y.U. L. Rev. 850 (2009)
The Validity of ‘Voluntary’ Medical Malpractice Exculpatory Agreements in New York, 14 Health L. J. 86 (2009)