Weekly Round-Up

Petrie-Flom Intern’s Weekly Round-Up: 9/8 – 9/14

By Fatima Mirza This week, the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) expressed misgivings about the Affordable Care Act‘s implementation, especially postponement of the employer mandate to ensure coverage for workers and the potential effects of the coming health insurance exchanges on existing plans. On Friday, the Alliance for Health Reform and partners…

By Fatima Mirza

  • This week, the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) expressed misgivings about the Affordable Care Act‘s implementation, especially postponement of the employer mandate to ensure coverage for workers and the potential effects of the coming health insurance exchanges on existing plans.
  • On Friday, the Alliance for Health Reform and partners discussed the emerging telehealth service industry in light of the upcoming ACA roll-out October 1st. Aired on CSPAN, the conversation focused on how these new communication technologies could ease the additional financial costs of nation-wide health care.
  • United States Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, has been advocating for the governmental health law overhaul. As a former governor herself, Sebelius is appealing to state leadership in order to expedite and simplify the enrollment process.
  • This month, former President Clinton urged Americans to sign up for health care exchanges. His speech in Little Rock, Arkansas highlighted the importance of healthcare reform for the future of the United States.
  • A study published on September 12th by in the American Journal of Public Heath outlines how framing the consequences of childhood obesity increases public support for obesity prevention policy. Authors Gollust et.al. are affiliated with the University of Minnesota, Cornell University, and Johns Hopkins