
Nanocourse in Public Health at HSPH: FIRST SESSION TOMORROW

Not sure how all the disciplines of public health function or work together? Are you interested in a brief overview of Public Health?   LOOK NO FURTHER! The Harvard School of Public Health Post-Doctoral Association, Harvard Medical School Curriculum Fellows, and Harvard Global Health Institute have joined forces to organize a FREE and brief nanocourse…

Not sure how all the disciplines of public health function or work together?

Are you interested in a brief overview of Public Health?  

LOOK NO FURTHER! The Harvard School of Public Health Post-Doctoral Association, Harvard Medical School Curriculum Fellows, and Harvard Global Health Institute have joined forces to organize a FREE and brief nanocourse entitled “Public Health 101.”  If you are interested in this nanocourse, be sure to SAVE THESE DATES and sign up here (recommended, but not required, for Session 1):

First Session (open to the public; no registration required): Thursday, October 3, 2013, 1 PM – 4:30 PM

Location: Harvard School of Public Health, Kresge Building, Room G3. Map.

Second Session (limited enrollment; registration required): Thursday, October 10, 2013, 1 PM – 4:30 PM
Location: HSPH Building 1, Room 1302

Course Description:

Graduate students and postdocs at HSPH and elsewhere at Harvard have had limited opportunities outside of traditional coursework to gain a basic understanding of the multidisciplinary areas of study within public health and the roles they each play in improving health. To provide a succinct overview and introduction to the field of public health, we have developed the “Public Health 101” nanocourse. The nanocourse will give an overview of the five core areas of public health (epidemiology, biostatistics, social and behavioral sciences, environmental health, and health services administration). Attendees will learn about health behavior intervention research (social and behavioral sciences), various epidemiologic study designs (epidemiology and biostatistics), and the built environment and health (environmental health). In the second session, attendees will use a case-based approach to integrate the skills and knowledge gained in the first session in the context of an exercise related to public policy (health services administration). (Please note: if you are unfamiliar with the nanocourse format, please see this page for more information about registration and credit.)

Nanocourse Faculty: Dr. Myriam Afeiche, Dr. Alberto Caban-Martinez, Dr. Catherine Kreatsoulas, Dr. Candace Nelson, and Dr. Morteza Asgarzadeh

Course Design Committee: Dr. Alberto Caban-Martinez, Dr. Zofia Gajdos, and Dr. Cherie Ramirez

Curriculum Fellow: Dr. Zofia Gajdos (