
10/17 lecture, “Which Careers Do the Most Good?”

You’ll spend over 80,000 hours of your life working—you should make the most of them. But if you want to make a difference, what should you do? Work for nonprofits? Try to change policy? Find a malaria vaccine? Go into finance and give it all away?   Which Careers Do the Most Good? a lecture by William…

You’ll spend over 80,000 hours of your life working—you should make the most of them. But if you want to make a difference, what should you do? Work for nonprofits? Try to change policy? Find a malaria vaccine? Go into finance and give it all away? 

 Which Careers Do the Most Good?

a lecture by William MacAskill

Founder, 80,000 Hours and the Centre for Effective Altruism

 Thursday, October 17, 7:30PM

Science Center A

please RSVP here

80,000 Hours founder and Bill of Health guest blogger William MacAskill will tell you about his organisation’s research into this question, and explain how it can help you find the career where you’ll have the biggest impact. You might leave with some surprising conclusions.

William MacAskill is the founder of Oxford’s Centre for Effective Altruism and of 80,000 Hours, a personal advisory service on using your time to do the most good. Formerly a Fulbright scholar at Princeton University, and currently a PhD candidate at Oxford University, he has been featured on BBC News On-line, The Today Programme, NPR, CNBC and The Washington Post. Between them, his non-profits have raised over $3 million for the most cost-effective charities, with a further $130 million pledged.