Deborah Cho

Introducing Student Contributor Deborah Cho

Deborah Cho is a second-year law student at Harvard Law School interested in social justice and health law.  She graduated from UCLA with a BS in biochemistry and then attended Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine.  After two years of medical school, Deborah’s interest in social justice and inequitable access to health care prompted…

Deborah Cho is a second-year law student at Harvard Law School interested in social justice and health law.  She graduated from UCLA with a BS in biochemistry and then attended Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine.  After two years of medical school, Deborah’s interest in social justice and inequitable access to health care prompted her to begin considering law school.  She subsequently received her MA in bioethics while doing research on expanded genetic carrier screening at the Center for Genetic Research Ethics and Law at Case Western Reserve University.  At law school, Deborah has interned at the Health Care Division in the Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General and is currently an intern at Health Law Advocates, a public interest law firm. She will also be a student editor of the forthcoming Journal of Law and Biosciences.

Representative Publications

Deborah Cho, Michelle L. McGowan, Jonathan Metcalfe & Richard Sharp, Expanded Carrier Screening in Reproductive Healthcare: Perspectives from Genetics Professionals, 28 HUMAN REPRODUCTION 1725 (2013).

Michelle L. McGowan, Deborah Cho & Richard Sharp, The Changing Landscape of Carrier Screening: Expanding Technology and Options?, 23 HEALTH MATRIX 14 (2013).