This week’s twitter round up features a variety of topics from our contributors, from the correlations between cancer survival rates and funding to blog posts about possible criminalization of drinking while pregnant.
Frank Pasquale tweeted that “there’s a direct correlation between funding and survival rates” regarding cancer from an entry of the blog “Every Breath I Take: A Blog about my Journey with Lung Cancer.”
Art Caplan tweeted about flu vaccinations again this week in order to bring the Rhode Island ACLU’s attention to the CDC’s determination that “getting the flu vaccine this season reduced risk of flu-related doctor’s visits by 61 percent.”
Amitabh Chandra tweeted an article from the Annals of Internal Medicine discussing bariatric surgery and its greater effects on weight loss and diabetes remission than nonsurgical measures to combat obesity.
Stephen Latham tweeted a link to his blog post about the “Criminalization of Drinking While Pregnant in the UK?” which discusses current “plans to bring legal action to establish liability for criminal damages by women who drink while pregnant, with resultant damage to their newborns.”