
Introducing New Blogger Jennifer Bard

Jennifer S. Bard contributes to the HealthLawProf Blog, and is joining Bill of Health as a regular contributor. Jennifer is the Alvin R. Allison Professor of Law and Director, Health Law Program, 2003 and an Associate Professor (adjunct), Department of Psychiatry, TTU School of Medicine. She was formerly Associate Dean for Faculty Research and Development. She is…

Jennifer S. Bard contributes to the HealthLawProf Blog, and is joining Bill of Health as a regular contributor.

Jennifer is the Alvin R. Allison Professor of Law and Director, Health Law Program, 2003 and an Associate Professor (adjunct), Department of Psychiatry, TTU School of Medicine. She was formerly Associate Dean for Faculty Research and Development. She is the Director, Health Law Program and JD/MD Program at the law school. In 2009 Professor Bard was elected as a member of the American Law Institute and was also awarded the Texas Tech University President’s Excellence in Teaching Award. In 2008 she received the award for the Best First Year Teacher from the Phi Alpha Delta Law School Honors Fraternity. She is the chair-elect of the American Association of Law School’s section on Law, Medicine, and Health Care. She is also the Book Review editor of the Journal Of Legal Medicine.

Representative publications: 

Jennifer S. Bard, When Public Health and Genetic Privacy Collide: Positive and Normative Theories Explaining How ACA’s Expansion of Corporate Wellness Programs Conflicts with GINA’s Privacy Rules, 39 J.L. Med. & Ethics 469 (2011).

Jennifer S. Bard, Rights to Health Care Information: And the Band Played On in The Picture of Health: Medical Ethics and the Movies (Henri Colt and Sylvia Quadrelli eds 2011) (Oxford).

Jennifer S. Bard, Closing the Gaps in Human Subject Research Law: Regulating Clinical Research Conducted Outside of the United States, 21Annals Health L., (2012).

Jennifer S. Bard, “Oh Yes, I Remember It Well”: Why The Inherent Unreliability of Technology Which Purports To Retrieve Human Memories Makes It Inappropriate For Forensic Use, University of New Mexico Law Review (2012).

Jennifer S. Bard, I’m Interested in Health Law-Now Where Can I get a Job?, 14 New York State Bar Association Health Law Journal 73 (2009).

Jennifer S. Bard, Immaculate Gestation? How Will Ectogenesis Change Current Constitutional Theory on Abortion Law? In Ectogenesis: Artificial Womb Technology and the Future of Human Reproduction 149 (Scott Gelfand and John R. Shook eds., 2006).

Jennifer S. Bard, Standing Together: How Bioethics and Public Health Can Join Forces to Provide Equitable Health Care, 5 Am. J. Bioethics 220 (2005).

Jennifer S. Bard, Re-arranging Deck Chairs on the Titanic: Why the Incarceration of Individuals with Serious Mental Illness Violates Public Health, Ethical, and Constitutional Principles and Therefore Cannot be Made Right by Piecemeal Changes to the Insanity Defense, 5 Hous. J. Health L. & Pol’y 1 (2005).