Animal Rights

4/4 conference: “The Meat We Eat: Forum on Industrial Animal Farming”

  Friday, April 4, 2014 • 1:00pm – 7:30pm Harvard Law School  • Austin Hall North • 1515 Mass Ave The Meat We Eat: 2014 Forum on Industrial Animal Farming, a conference sponsored and hosted by the Harvard Food Law Society, will explore the legal and policy aspects of industrial animal farming and related effects on public health, the…


Friday, April 4, 2014 • 1:00pm – 7:30pm

Harvard Law School  • Austin Hall North • 1515 Mass Ave

The Meat We Eat: 2014 Forum on Industrial Animal Farming, a conference sponsored and hosted by the Harvard Food Law Society, will explore the legal and policy aspects of industrial animal farming and related effects on public health, the environment, and animal welfare. Our forum will bring together a host of authorities to raise discussion on a number of pressing questions, including: How does the U.S. currently regulate animal farming, what are the barriers to reform, and what can be done to strengthen protections for consumers, animals, and nearby communities? How can we create a more transparent food system so that consumers can choose healthy, sustainably- and humanely-raised food?

We are proud to be co-hosting this event with Harvard Law School’s Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (SALDF).  Founded in 1995, HLS SALDF is a student chapter of the national Animal Legal Defend Fund. In keeping with its mission to advance the interests of animals through the legal system, HLS SALDF seeks to educate the Harvard community about issues facing animals, including institutionalized forms of animal abuse, and explore avenues of reform through legislation and litigation.

Confirmed Speakers

  • Claire Benjamin, Managing Director, Food Policy Action
  • Gregory Dain, Senior Assistant Regional Counsel, U.S. EPA Region 1
  • Alexis Fox, Massachusetts State Director, HSUS (moderator)
  • Matthew Hayek, PhD Candidate, Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
  • Wendy Jacobs, Clinical Professor and Director, Harvard Law School Emmett Environmental Law and Policy Clinic (moderator)
  • Baylen Linnekin, Executive Director, Keep Food Legal (moderator)
  • Erica Meier, Executive Director, Compassion Over Killing
  • Erik Olson, Senior Strategic Director, Health and Food, Natural Resources Defense Council
  • Margiana Petersen-Rockney, Founder/Organizer, Young Farmer Network
  • Nathan Rosenberg, Fink Fellow, Natural Resources Defense Council
  • Paul Shapiro, Vice President, Farm Animal Protection, HSUS
  • David Simon, Author, Meatonomics

For more information on the conference, including the full schedule, speaker bios, and registration information, please visit the conference website.