Behavioral Economics

FRIDAY & SATURDAY: Petrie-Flom Center Annual Conference, “Behavioral Economics, Law, & Health Policy”

Petrie-Flom Center 2014 Annual Conference: Behavioral Economics, Law, and Health Policy May 2-3, 2014 Wasserstein Hall, Milstein East ABC, Harvard Law School, 1585 Massachusetts Ave. Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein’s book  Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness brought behavioral economics to the masses, beginning a discussion of libertarian paternalism and the many ways that “choice architects”…

Petrie-Flom Center 2014 Annual Conference: Behavioral Economics, Law, and Health Policy

May 2-3, 2014

Wasserstein Hall, Milstein East ABC, Harvard Law School, 1585 Massachusetts Ave.

Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein’s book  Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness brought behavioral economics to the masses, beginning a discussion of libertarian paternalism and the many ways that “choice architects” can help nudge people to make better choices for themselves without forcing certain outcomes on anyone. Some of their examples fall in the realm of health policy, as is also the case of Daniel Kahneman’s recent book, Thinking, Fast and Slow, which examines various cognitive errors people make in their judgments, choices, and conclusions, as well as how we might correct them.  But the conversation has only just begun.

Building on the success of the behavioral economics movement, this conference will further develop the scholarly discussion by focusing on key issues in health law policy, bioethics, and biotechnology by addressing both broad conceptual questions and more specific policy applications.

The full conference agenda is now available on our website. Highlights include:

  • Keynote: Cass Sunstein, Robert Walmsley University Professor, Harvard Law School
  • Plenary 1: Alan M. Garber, Provost, Harvard University; Mallinckrodt Professor of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School; Professor of Economics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences; Professor of Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School of Government; and Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management, Harvard School of Public Health
  • Plenary 2: Russell Korobkin, Richard C. Maxwell Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law
  • Plenary 3: Michael Hallsworth, Principal Advisor,  The Behavioural Insights Team (UK)

Attendance is free and open to the public, but space is limited and registration is required. Register here.

For questions, contact or 617-496-4662.