Ross D. Silverman is joining Bill of Health as a regular contributor.
Silverman is Professor of Health Policy and Management at the Indiana University Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health at IUPUI, and holds a secondary appointment as Professor of Public Health Law at the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law. His research interests include legal, ethical and policy issues in public health and medicine, mobile health law and policy, interdisciplinary curriculum development, professional school admissions, medical humanities, human rights, and patient safety. He serves numerous leadership positions in the field of public health law, including as a mentor in the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/Georgia State University Future of Public Health Law Education: Faculty Fellowship Program, as a member of the American Public Health Association Action Board, and as past chair of the American Public Health Association Law Section. From 1998-2013, he was faculty at Southern Illinois University Schools of Medicine and Law, where he last held the positions of Professor and Chair of the Department of Medical Humanities and Professor of Psychiatry at SIU School of Medicine, and Professor of Medical Jurisprudence at SIU School of Law. While in Springfield, Illinois, he served as an appointed Commissioner to the Springfield Disabilities Commission, a board member of the Springfield School District Foundation, and as a member of the Memorial Medical Center Human Values and Ethics Committee.
Recent Publications:
Books & Book Chapters:
- Code of Medical Ethics of the American Medical Association Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs: Current Opinions with Annotations, 2012-2013 Edition (Annotator, with W. Eugene Basanta), American Medical Association, Chicago, IL. 2012.
- Kelly Armstrong and Ross D. Silverman, 2012. “Chapter 34: Medical-Legal Concepts: Advance Directives and Surrogate Decision Making,” in Principles and Practice of Hospital Medicine (Sylvia McKean et al., eds.), McGraw-Hill, Burr Ridge, IL, pp. 219-227.
- Code of Medical Ethics of the American Medical Association Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs: Current Opinions with Annotations, 2010-2011 Edition(Annotator, with W. Eugene Basanta), American Medical Association, Chicago, IL. 2010.
- “Poverty, Health and Law,” Journal of Legal Medicine, 34(3). 2013.
- “EHRs, EMRs, and Health Information Technology: To Meaningful Use and Beyond, A Symposium Introduction and Overview,” Journal of Legal Medicine, 34(1):1-6. 2013.
- “Litigation, Regulation, and Education — Protecting the Public’s Health through Childhood Immunization,” New England Journal of Medicine, 360(24): 2500-2501. 2009.
- Cook, Renee, Philip Pan, Ross Silverman and Stephen M. Soltys. 2010. “Do Not Resuscitate Orders in Suicidal Patients: Clinical, Ethical and Legal Dilemmas,” Psychosomatics 51(4).