
Upcoming Event: Cutting-Edge Issues in the Ethics of Conducting Biomedical Research

Cutting-Edge Issues in the Ethics of Conducting Biomedical Research Thursday, October 9, 2014, 7:45 AM – 2:15 PM Saul Farber Auditorium, Bellevue Hospital, 27th Street and First Ave (462 First Ave.), New York City Registration is required for the conference. Informed consent and Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) are the cornerstones of modern bioethical research but they…

DNAcode_slideCutting-Edge Issues in the Ethics of Conducting Biomedical Research

Thursday, October 9, 2014, 7:45 AM – 2:15 PM

Saul Farber Auditorium, Bellevue Hospital, 27th Street and First Ave (462 First Ave.), New York City

Registration is required for the conference.

Informed consent and Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) are the cornerstones of modern bioethical research but they do not solve all of the complicated issues of science, justice, and coercion that such studies raise.  The NYULMC Division of Medical Ethics invites you to a provocative program on cutting-edge issues in the ethics of conducting biomedical research.  Attendees will learn from leading experts and engage in discussions of current controversies, ranging from understanding ‘minimal risk’ in studies that involve socially vulnerable populations to the ethics of randomized controlled trials without consent.  Other topics to be covered include the contemporary implications of the U.S.-led sexually transmitted disease research conducted on Guatemalans during the 1940s; new strategies and technologies for improving informed consent; and the vexing issue of compassionate use.

For a list of speakers and conference agenda, click here [PDF].