- David Orentlicher, Employer-Based Health Care Insurance: Not So Exceptional after All, SSRN/UALR L.Rev.
- Daniel Polsky et al, Appointment Availability after Increases in Medicaid Payments for Primary Care, NEJM
- Jordan Paradise, The Legal and Regulatory Status of Biosimilars: How Product Naming and State Substitution Laws May Impact the U.S. Healthcare System, SSRN/AJLM
- Lindsay F. Wiley, Health Law as Social Justice, SSRN/Cornell JL&Pub Pol
Health Law Policy
Worth Reading This Week
By Nicolas Terry David Orentlicher, Employer-Based Health Care Insurance: Not So Exceptional after All, SSRN/UALR L.Rev. Daniel Polsky et al, Appointment Availability after Increases in Medicaid Payments for Primary Care, NEJM Jordan Paradise, The Legal and Regulatory Status of Biosimilars: How Product Naming and State Substitution Laws May Impact the U.S. Healthcare System, SSRN/AJLM Lindsay F….