Affordable Care Act

Onward And Upward For The ACA After King v. Burwell

Christie Hager, a speaker at the Petrie-Flom Center’s “King v. Burwell and the Future of the Affordable Care Act” conference on April 1 has a new piece up at the Health Affairs Blog discussing the Supreme Court’s decision. From the piece:  Chief Justice Roberts, in the majority opinion in King v. Burwell, confirmed that the only insurance spiral now is…

Christie Hager, a speaker at the Petrie-Flom Center’s “King v. Burwell and the Future of the Affordable Care Act” conference on April 1 has a new piece up at the Health Affairs Blog discussing the Supreme Court’s decision. From the piece: 

Chief Justice Roberts, in the majority opinion in King v. Burwell, confirmed that the only insurance spiral now is one onward and upward for the millions of Americans who will benefit from the peace of mind and protections of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as passed by Congress and signed by President Obama.

Among the many benefits of the ACA, Exchanges have been operating in some form to increase coverage in every state since 2013. Millions of lives have been changed or saved as a result. Many legal theorists and Supreme Court observers are rightly praising the sound legal reasoning and Constitutional principles in action that led to upholding key aspects of the Affordable Care Act (again).

It is a stark example of the relationship among the three branches created by the Constitution: Legislative drafting and passage, Executive implementation, and Judicial interpretation of language that in this case may have been less than clear. Additionally, the practical implications of the Court’s decision also are particularly salient. […]

Read the full piece here.