Solomon Center for Health Law and Policy at Yale Law School: Executive Director
The Yale Law School is delighted to announce the launch of the Solomon Center for Health Law and Policy, an exciting new Center at Yale Law School dedicated to training the next generation of health law leaders—academics, CEOS, lawyers, and government officials—and having an impact today on the most important health care issues.
The Solomon Center is seeking applications for the position of Executive Director. The Solomon Center coordinates a diverse program of activities that serve students and scholars at Yale and contribute both locally and internationally to the study of health law—with a particular focus on health governance, industry and the practice of medicine.
The Executive Director, under the supervision of the Solomon Center faculty director, Professor Abbe Gluck, will be responsible for managing the day-to-day activities of the Center. This will include working with and helping to select student and post-graduate fellows, planning events, including workshops and the annual conference, maintaining the website, building the center’s national reputation, working on grants, supervising scholarship and projects of the center, mentoring health law students, working with the many colleagues, organizations, and interested individuals with whom the Solomon Center collaborates, both within the Law School, across Yale University and outside the University. The Executive Director will be an ambassador of the Center. He/she must be outgoing and a self-starter and will be responsible for building a broad network for the program.
Some specific responsibilities of the Executive Director/ Fellow include the following:
- Coordinating the Center’s events, including recurring workshops and major symposium or other annual convening, as well as other speakers, panels, conferences and films and working with student groups and other Yale centers on such;
- Coordinating the Fellowship program and working with the Summer and Post-Graduate Fellows before and during their summer or post-graduate experiences;
- Advising Yale Law School and other Yale students about opportunities in health law;
- Supervising the work of the Center’s student and fellow workers;
- Supervising the Center’s assigned administrative support staff
- Helping to develop and implement a publication strategy and overseeing public relations (web site, social media, press releases); ;
- Representing the Program within the Law School and University;
- Providing administrative oversight for operations;
- Overseeing finances;
- Working on amicus briefs
- Help run the Yale Medical-Legal Partnership Program
- Working with visiting professors and scholars at the Center;
- Carrying out scholarship and other relevant research.
The Executive Director may teach a health-related course of his/her choosing, if he/she wishes, with approval from the Faculty. He/she also will supervise and run a Health Law workshop for students and visiting professors. The Center will also support any Executive Director who wishes to use his/her spare time at the Center and the invigorating intellectual of Yale Law School to develop academic scholarship in preparation for going on the law-teaching market.
Candidates must have the following qualifications:
- Graduation with a distinguished academic record from law school;
- Experience in health law, ideally at least five years of experience–but at a minimum three years–in a job that has given the candidate a broad array of health contacts in academia, industry, and/or government;
- Relevant administrative and organizational experience; and
- Record of scholarship, policy briefs, legal briefs, or other publications in areas related to the Center work.
Starting dates are flexible. The Executive Director will receive a salary (commensurate with experience) plus Yale University benefits. Initial appointment is for one year, renewable for an appropriate term if renewal agreed upon by the Executive Director and the Center.
Application materials should be sent to and include the following:
- Cover letter describing the candidate’s qualifications and including a statement of the applicant’s health-law interests and experience and noting particular areas of research, work experience and interest;
- Curriculum vitae;
- Law school transcript;
- Sample of recent scholarly, policy or advocacy writing; and
- Three letters of recommendation (to be submitted directly by the recommender).
We look forward to receiving your application!