The Petrie-Flom Center is pleased to welcome Visiting Scholar Peng Zhao to the Bill of Health as our newest contributor, who will blog primarily about China’s drug and food law and regulatory policy.
Peng Zhao earned his BA (2003), MA (2009), and PhD (2009) in law from the China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL, Beijing). He serves as associate professor of law and vice director of the Center for Government Reform and Development at CUPL. Peng’s research and teaching interests include food law, administrative law, and risk regulation theory. He has authored more than a dozen articles on food law and risk regulation theory, and is now presiding over two research projects sponsored by the Chinese central government on these two fields. Peng is a director and member of the Chinese Association of Administrative Law, and deputy secretary general of a committee affiliated with this organization which focuses on legal issues on governmental regulation. Peng has also participated actively in professional service activities. He had served as member of an expert commission for the National Health and Family Planning Commission on amendments to Chinese Food Safety Law, and currently is serving as advisor to the Ministry of Science and Technology on amendments to Chinese regulation of laboratory animal management. In addition, Peng was recently recognized by CUPL students as one of the Top Ten Popular Teachers at CUPL from 2013 to 2015.
Selected Publications (All written in Chinese, focused on China’s issues and publicized in Chinese Journals):
- Making Food and Drug Concerns Relate to “People’s Standard of Living” and “Public Safety”: The Implication, Motivation and Challenges, Chinese Journal of administrative management, 2015(9).
- Government’s Responsibility of Prevention for Technical Risks and Decision Rules: An example in GMOs, Contemporary Law Review, 2014(6).
- Formalism and Its Roots in the Construction of the Rule of Law: Analysis Based on Evaluation Data, Journal of CUPL, 2014(4).
- Research on Policy, Preference’s Influence on Risk Assessment and Its Legal Regulation: In the Case of Risk Assessment on Iodized Salt, Peking University Law Journal, 2014(1).
- Food Safety Standards: Returning to Safety Security from the Dual Goals, Journal of Beijing Administrative College, 2012(6).
- Knowledge and Legitimacy: Theory of Administrative Law in Risk Society, Administrative Law Review, 2011(4).
- Risk Regulation: Chinese-Style Dilemma and Their Solutions, Zhejiang Academic Journal, 2011(3).
- On the Legal Regulation of Administrative monopoly: Focus on Improving Market Access System, Price: Theory and Practice, 2011(10).
- Problems and Improvement of Risk Regulation System in China: Analysis Based on the Data of the NPC Standing Committee’s Law Enforcement Inspection, Administrative Law Review, 2010(4).
- Risk, Uncertainty and Precautionary Principle, Administrative Law Journal, 2010(10).
- Freedom and Security in Risk Society: The Rise of Risk Regulation and Its Challenge to Traditional Administrative Law Principles, Shanghai Jiaotong University Law Review, 2010(2).