A new Vox survey reveals that a majority of registered voters underestimate the rate of abortion, and that the abortion rate is most likely to be understimated by men, college graduates, and those with higher salaries:
More educated and higher-income Americans are especially likely to believe that abortion is rare.
For example, 54 percent of Americans without a college degree underestimate abortion rates, compared with 70 percent of those with graduate degrees. And 51 percent of those earning less than $50,000 underestimate the frequency of abortion, compared with 69 percent of those earning more than $175,000.
The split happens when you look at gender, too. Women would near certainly have more experience with abortion than men. Our poll shows that 67 percent of men underestimate the frequency of abortion, compared with 57 percent of women.
Fortunately for those who support abortion rights, no Supreme Court Justices are wealthy, well-educated men…
Greg Lipper (@theglipper) is Senior Litigation Counsel at Americans United for Separation of Church and State.