Frank Pasquale

Jaime King on ‘The Week in Health Law’ Podcast

By Nicolas Terry and Frank Pasquale Subscribe to TWIHL here! Hastings law professor and antitrust expert Jaime King joins us to discuss competition and consolidation in healthcare delivery. We discussed (apparently) pro-competitive collaborations, price transparency models, the limits of demand-side reforms, Gobeille’s interpretation of ERISA as a major blow to state initiatives, and innovative cross-market merger activity. Be sure…

By Nicolas Terry and Frank Pasquale

Subscribe to TWIHL here!

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Hastings law professor and antitrust expert Jaime King joins us to discuss competition and consolidation in healthcare delivery. We discussed (apparently) pro-competitive collaborations, price transparency models, the limits of demand-side reforms, Gobeille’s interpretation of ERISA as a major blow to state initiatives, and innovative cross-market merger activity. Be sure to follow Jaime’s scholarly work at SSRN, and to keep up with her Source on Health Care Price & Competition, which has up-to-the-minute aggregators on key issues in health care finance.

The Week in Health Law Podcast from Frank Pasquale and Nicolas Terry is a commuting-length discussion about some of the more thorny issues in Health Law & Policy. Subscribe at Apple Podcasts, listen at Stitcher Radio Tunein, or Podbean, or search for The Week in Health Law in your favorite podcast app. Show notes and more are at If you have comments, an idea for a show or a topic to discuss you can find us on Twitter @nicolasterry @FrankPasquale @WeekInHealthLaw