Health Law Policy

Philip Rocco on ‘The Week in Health Law’ Podcast

By Nicolas Terry and Frank Pasquale Subscribe to TWIHL here! A welcome to first-time Pod guest Philip Rocco. Philip is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Marquette University. His research examines the consequences of institutional fragmentation for the development of public policy, with a focus on the politics of health reform in the United States. We cover a lot of territory inspired by Phil’s…

By Nicolas Terry and Frank Pasquale

Subscribe to TWIHL here!

A welcome to first-time Pod guest Philip Rocco. Philip is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Marquette University. His research examines the consequences of institutional fragmentation for the development of public policy, with a focus on the politics of health reform in the United States.

We cover a lot of territory inspired by Phil’s recent publications on Medicaid managed care data, all-payer claims databases, and public comments received during the Medicaid waiver process. Those interested in the politics and sociology of knowledge are in for a special treat as Rocco deftly applies findings in the social studies of science to cutting edge health law & policy debates.

A brief lightning round touches on ACA stabilization, more data about Indiana’s 1115 waiver, and the stinkbug-in-chief. The White House Council of Economic Advisors has also trumpeted gains in the key health care performance indicator of the Trump era: health insurer profitability, soon to be boosted by AHPs, MEWAs, and VA privatization.

The Week in Health Law Podcast from Frank Pasquale and Nicolas Terry is a commuting-length discussion about some of the more thorny issues in Health Law & Policy. Subscribe at Apple Podcasts, listen at Stitcher Radio Tunein, or Podbean, or search for The Week in Health Law in your favorite podcast app. Show notes and more are at If you have comments, an idea for a show or a topic to discuss you can find us on Twitter @nicolasterry @FrankPasquale @WeekInHealthLaw.