
Introducing Blogger Tara Sklar

The Petrie-Flom Center is pleased to welcome Tara Sklar to Bill of Health as our newest contributor! Tara is a Professor of Health Law and Director of the Graduate Health Sciences Programs at the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law. She also holds an appointment as a Health Law Fellow in the Law and Public Health…

The Petrie-Flom Center is pleased to welcome Tara Sklar to Bill of Health as our newest contributor!

Tara is a Professor of Health Law and Director of the Graduate Health Sciences Programs at the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law. She also holds an appointment as a Health Law Fellow in the Law and Public Health Group at the University of Melbourne, School of Population and Global Health. Prior to this she was the Founding Director of Aging Programs at the University of Melbourne, and in 2016 was awarded University of Melbourne’s Teaching Excellence in Innovation Award. She has particular interests in laws and regulations that impact population well-being, with a focus on older adults.

Professor Sklar also serves as an advisor to PricewaterhouseCoopers and Australian Unity to develop a new national strategy for Australia’s aging population and to the aging group at Georgetown Law School, O’Neill Institute for National Global Health. In collaboration with Coursera, she created and leads a Massive Open Online Course that has registered over 15,000 students called Rethinking Aging: Are we prepared to live longer? She also teaches Legal and Regulatory Aspects for Health Care Delivery and the Regulatory Science Case Study Project at the University of Arizona. She is the Public Health Law Associate Editor of Global Biosecurity at the University of New South Wales.

Representative publications: 

Characteristics of Lawyers who are Subject to Complaints and Misconduct Findings” (with Yamna Taouk, David Studdert, Matthew Spittal, Ron Paterson, and Marie Bismark) under peer review with the Journal of Empirical Legal Studies)

Tara Sklar, Retirement and Aging: A Reordering of Priorities in Living Life, Loving Life Young and Old (Helen Sykes and Grant Blashki eds., 2014).

“Highly Complaint-Prone Lawyers: Identifying Lawyers at High Risk of Recurrent Complaints in Victoria, Australia (with Marie Bismark, Yamna Taouk, Jennifer Moore, Matthew Spittal, Ron Paterson, and David Studdert)

“Vulnerability in the Legal Profession: Complaint-Prone Lawyers with Mental Health Impairments and Victims of Lawyer Misconduct” (with Jennifer Moore, Yamna Taouk, and Marie Bismark)

“Medical Marijuana Use in Health Care Settings: Legal and Ethical Implications for Health Care Institutions, Practitioners, and Patients”

Welcome, Tara!